Why Us


Immediate Payment! No Hassles! No Waiting! No Costs!

By selling your company’s bad debt, you can immediately receive a fair percentage of money owed to you, without spending company resources on debt collection. ​


Whether you use your own staff, a collection agency or a law firm, debt collection is expensive, risky work. It can take months or years to realize returns, and those returns can be minimal. ​


By selling your bad debt, you invest your resources in your own business: the business at which you make money. And, you leave the investment, risk and liability of debt collection to someone else. ​


When you make debt sales a regular component of your business strategy, you also gain the ability to forecast income from future debt sales, which can be a valuable planning tool.


When you sell debt, you want to know that your buyer will treat your customers and former customers with courtesy and fairness. With Dhruvisha Enterprise . you have that assurance.


We’ve been building our reputation for fairness and professionalism since 1995. At Dhruvisha Enterprise . you can rest assured that our collection professionals comply with all debt collection regulations.